The University of Oslo Research Award 2018 til Harald Stenmark

Professor Harald A. Stenmark, head of the "Cellular membrane dynamics" research group at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research, has been given the prestigious University of Oslo Research Research Award for 2018.
In their statement the prize committee wishes to acknowledge one of the University's most prominent researchers in cancer research and cell biology, who has built an internationally renowned research environment that delivers innovative and original research helping to put the University of Oslo on the world map.
The research award will be distributed during the annual UiO party on September 2nd. Prizes for education, communication and innovation will also be given out during this event, each of the four awards amounting to 250.000 NOK.
From Uniforum (in Norwegian):
Kreftforsker Harald Stenmark får UiOs forskningspris
From UiO home page (in Norwegian):
Priser til fremragende UiO-ansatte
Home page of Harald Stenmarks research group:
Cellular membrane dynamics