Research blog launched at Oslo University Hospital

The recently launched Oslo University Hospital research blog is the first site of this kind among Norwegian health care institutions. In the first contribution - entitled "Health research in great request" director of research, innovation and education Erlend B. Smeland writes about how the blog will act as a platform for communicating discoveries in medical sciences in a popularised form, as well as serving as a vehicle for the hospital to stay in touch with the community. It will also be used as a channel for voicing the views of the hospital in debates concerning research policies.
New contributions will appear on the blog every other week. At first, the heads of research at the various divisions will write in turn. Ingrid Melle from the Division of Mental Health and Addiction has kicked it off by writing about how mental illnesses may harm the body. The blog is in Norwegian.
Erlend B. Smeland, Director of research, innovation and education, OUS
Helseforskning er i vinden (22.09.2014)
Oslo University Hospital research blog home page