Ceremony Friday November 21st Ragnar Mørk legacy prize 2014 to Arne Kolstad

The 2014 "Dr. Ragnar Mørk's legacy prize" went to Arne Kolstad from the Department of Oncology for his excellent clinical research on lymphoma therapy.
This annual award of NOK 200.000 is given to scientists affiliated to the Norwegian Radium Hospital who have obtained important results within the field of cancer research.
The ceremony took place Friday November 21st in the Research Building at Montebello. Kolstad gave an interesting lecture about the research activities that has earned him the award.
About Dr. Ragnar Mørk's legacy prize:
The late Torleif Mørk did in his will leave parts of his fortune to the establishment of a legacy in his father's name, Dr. Ragnar Mørk. The Legacy was established to promote the cancer research at the Norwegian Radium Hospital. As part of this support, the Board of the legacy has decided to annually award a researcher who has achieved important results in his/her research. The award is personal, and amounts to NOK 200.000.
Photos from the ceremony (click to enlarge images). Photographer: Chema Bassols.
Arne Kolstad's CV and publications
Previous years winners of the Ragnar Mørks' legacy prize:
2013: Kjersti Flatmark
2012: Vessela N. Kristensen
2011: Camilla Raiborg
2010: Heidi Lyng
2009: Rolf I. Skotheim
2008: Tor Erik Rusten
2007: Anne Simonsen
2006: Bjørn Naume
2005: Gunhild Mælandsmo
2004: Mouldy Sioud
2003: Ragnhild A. Lothe
2002: Antoni Wiedlocha
2001: Eivind Hovig