Section for Cellular Therapy granted support from BIOTEK2021 and FORNY2020

Section for Cellular Therapy, Department of Cancer Treatment, Oslo University Hospital receives 9.6 mill NOK through the BIOTEK2021 program and 7,0 mill NOK in the FORNY2020 program from The Norwegian Research Council. The project receiving 9.6 mill NOK is entitled “Personalized Immunotherapy: Re-targeting T cells against Cancer”, and was one of five within biomedical research to receive funding.
The project supported by the FORNY2020 program is entitled "Dendritic cell immunotherapy for glioblastoma (DEN-STEM)" and is led by Iver A. Langmoen, head of the Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory and the research team at Section for Cellular Therapy. The project aims to develop a novel therapeutic cancer vaccine against brain tumours.
The BIOTEK2021 programme is the Research Council of Norway’s most comprehensive research initiative in the field of biotechnology. The programme will run from 2012 through 2021. The BIOTEK21 programme succeeds the Programme on Functional Genomics in Norway (FUGE), which was concluded in 2011.
FORNY2020 aims at creating value and benefits for society from research results. This is done by funding the Norwegian technology transfer offices (TTOs) and projects in need of proof-of-concept.
From the BIOTEK2021 home page (in Norwegian):
Bevilgning til 13 søknader i BIOTEK2021 ("Funding to 13 applications in BIOTEK2021")
Overview, supported projects
The project headed by Langmoen also receives support from the Norwegian Cancer Society.
Previous news articles about this research:
Glioma treatment research project headed by Einar Vik-Mo and Iver Langmoen attracts attention
News article in Norwegian: - Vil skreddersy hjernekreftbehandling
Section for Cellular Therapy home page
Vilhelm Magnus Laboratory home page
Relevant background articles:
On adoptive cell therapy
Humphries C.
Adoptive cell therapy: Honing that killer instinct
Nature. 2013 Dec 19;504(7480):S13-5. doi: 10.1038/504S13a.
PMID: 24352359
Download in PDF format
On therapeutic cancer vaccine against brain tumours:
Therapeutic vaccination against autologous cancer stem cells with mRNA-transfected dendritic cells in patients with glioblastoma
Cancer Immunol Immunother, 62 (9), 1499-509
PubMed 23817721