The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize to Ludvig Sollid

(photo Bente Devik)
Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research honor research of outstanding quality in basic and clinical medicine. The prizes are awarded by the University of Oslo and are among the largest within Nordic biomedical research. The prize is awarded by the University of Oslo after nomination by a committee appointed by the University. The award includes a grant of NOK 1,000,000.
The Anders Jahre Senior Medical Prize (the main prize) for 2015 is shared between Ludvig M. Sollid (UiO and OUS) and Rikard Holmdahl (KI, Stockholm).
Sollid is awarded for his groundbreaking research on coeliac disease.
Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research will be distributed in the "University Aula" October 15th. This is the second time Ludvig Sollid receives a Jahre award - he won the prize for young researchers in 1998!
News articles (in Norwegian) about Sollid earning the award:
From the University for Oslo home page:
Glad, stolt og ydmyk prisvinner fra UiO
From Uniforum (UiO web newspaper)
Ludvig M. Sollid og Rikard Holmdahl får Jahreprisen
From Oslo University Hospital homepage (also about other OUS researchers receiving other awards):
Prisdryss til OUS-forskere
About the Anders Jahre's Awards for Medical Research
Previous news about Sollid:
Sollid's research group has been singled out as one of five world-leading research groups at UiO, and will receive substantial funding for its international efforts:
World leading research community in coeliac disease
Homepage of Ludvig Sollid's group - Functional Immunogenetics (at
Solld group homepage at the UiO web (UiO - CIR - Centre for Immune Regulation)