Heart study results recently published in Lancet attract attention: Elderly patients benefit from an early invasive strategy

An article from the Department of Cardiology entitled "Invasive versus conservative strategy in patients aged 80 years or older with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris (After Eighty study): an open-label randomised controlled trial" has recently been published online in Lancet (journal impact factor 39.2)
The results are discussed in the Lancet Comment section, and the research was given front page attention in the paper edition of the major Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten on January 20th. The article is first-authored by PhD stipendiate Nicolai Kloumann Tegn, while Bjørn Bendz (photo) is senior author.
Invasive versus conservative strategy in patients aged 80 years or older with non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction or unstable angina pectoris (After Eighty study): an open-label randomised controlled trial
Nicolai Tegn, Michael Abdelnoor, Lars Aaberge, Knut Endresen, Pål Smith, Svend Aakhus, and others
The Lancet
Published online: January 12, 2016
Commentary article in Lancet:
Management of acute coronary syndrome in the very elderly
Aftenposten front page article (in Norwegian):
Fikk blokket ut blodåren som 85-åring – kan fremdeles gå sin daglige tur (Jan 20th)