Day of Immunology Conference 2016 April 29 Immunotherapy for Cancer

The Norwegian Society for Immunology is hosting their annual conference on the Day of Immunology on April 29.
The theme for 2016 is Immunotherapy for Cancer and the event is open for any one interested in the theme.
Program and how to register under "More".
Time: Friday, April 29th, 2016, at 10:00-15:40.
Place: Store Auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.
Please register here (link to registration form and program from the Oslo Cancer Cluster home page)
Download program in Word format
Morning session (popularized science in Norwegian)
10.00: Immun mot kreft? Introduksjon til kroppens overvåkningstjenester
Anne Spurkland, Professor, avdeling for molekylærmedisin, Universitet i Oslo.
10.35: Immunterapi: en revolusjon for kreftbehandling (del I)
Else Marit Inderberg, PhD, avdeling for celleterapi, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
10.55: Pause
11.15: Immunterapi: en revolusjon for kreftbehandling (del II)
Else Marit Inderberg, PhD, avdeling for celleterapi, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
11.30: Behandling av norske lungekreftpasienter med checkpoint-inhibitorer
Åslaug Helland, overlege og forsker, avdeling for onkologi, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
11.55: Immunterapi virker – rapport fra en erfaren pasient
Kjell Stenstadvold
12:10: Lunch break with refreshments
Afternoon session (scientific presentations made accessible for a broad public)
13.00: The long road to cancer vaccines
Gustav Gaudernack, Professor, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
13.25: Targeting cancer stem cells in glioblastoma brain tumors by immunotherapy
Einar Vik-Mo, MD, PhD, Institute for Surgical Research and Department of Neurosurgery, OUS Rikshospitalet.
13.50: Bringing innovative targeted DNA cancer vaccines to the clinic
Agnete Brunsvik Fredriksen, PhD, CSO, Vaccibody AS.
14.05: Coffee break
14.30: Sequential Intranodal ImmunoTherapy (SIIT) in malignant lymphoma
Arne Kolstad, MD, PhD, Department of Oncology, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
14.55: Clinical cellular immunotherapy at Radiumhospitalet
Gunnar Kvalheim, Professor, Head of Department of Cellular Therapy, OUS Radiumhospitalet.
15.20: From Bench to bedside with a first in class oncolytic peptide
Øystein Rekdal, PhD, Professor, The Arctic University of Norway, CSO, Lytix Biopharma AS.
Meeting’s organizers: The Norwegian Society for Immunology (NSI)
Chairperson: Alexandre Corthay, PhD, Department of Pathology, OUS, NSI president.
Free entrance. Everybody is welcome!
Please register here (link to registration form and program from the Oslo Cancer Cluster home page)
Information: Gro Tunheim (NSI secretary):;
Alexandre Corthay:;