South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority brings attention to innovation: Atle Bjørnerud "Innovator of the Month"

Professor Atle Bjørnerud from the Intervention Centre at Oslo University Hospital has been selected "Innovator of the Month" by the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority for the month of May.
The main focus of the research performed in his group is perfusion analysis of brain tumors with the overall aim of providing better tools for early, accurate diagnosis and monitoring treatment response.
Links to comprehensive articles (in Norwegian) presenting Bjørnerud's research:
From the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority home page:
Riktig diagnose raskere (translated to "Correct diagnosis faster")
From inven2's home page
Home page of Atle Bjørnerud's "Functional MR Neuroimaging" research group
Previous news article about Atle Bjørnerud:
Researchers from the Interventional Centre introduce new paradigm in Nature Medicine article