OUH research seminar, Thursday, January 26th Sepsis: New definitions and future research

Welcome to the next Oslo University Hospital research seminar entitled "Sepsis: New definitions and future research".
Time: Monday, Thursday, January 26th, 2017, at 13:45 – 15:15.
Place: Red Auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.
13:45 Sepsis: a roadmap for future research
Jonathan Cohen *, Professor emeritus, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, UK.
14:30 Three decades of research on meningococcal sepsis: What have we learned?
Petter Brandtzæg, Professor emeritus, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo.
14:45 Clinical Implications of the New Sepsis Definition – Sepsis 3
Jon Henrik Laake, Senior Consultant in Anesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, OUH.
15:00 Questions and discussion
* Jon Cohen is trained in infectious diseases at Duke University in North Carolina. He was appointed founding Dean when the Brighton and Sussex Medical School was established in 2002, stepping down from that role in 2013. He was previously Professor of Infectious Diseases and Chairman of the Dept of Infectious Diseases and Bacteriology at Hammersmith Hospital, at Imperial College in London. His research interests are the pathogenesis and treatment of severe bacterial infections. In 2015, he was the lead author of the Lancet Infectious Diseases Commission entitled “Sepsis: a roadmap for future research”.
Meeting’s chairwoman: Reidun Øvstebø, Head of the Blood Cell Research Group, Department of Medical Biochemistry, OUH.
Meeting’s organizers: Unni Gopinathan & Jens Petter Berg, Department of Medical Biochemistry, OUH.
Everybody is welcome!
Forthcoming OUH research seminars:
06.02 Early phase drug development: From idea to concept
06.03 Health after transplantation
03.04. Innovation to finance research
02.05 Type 1 diabetes
08.05 Organ donation
Meeting announcements and information: www.med.uio.no/klinmed/forskning/aktuelt/arrangementer/andre/ous-seminarer
On behalf of the organizing committee for OUH research seminars,
Alexandre Corthay (committee leader)