Sept 29th - Information day about EMBL, EMBO and HSPF: Scientific opportunities in Europe

This event is open to all, and is designed to help inform Norwegian scientists about the training opportunities, services and infrastructure available at the EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory). The meeting is sponsored by the EMBL Alumni Association, and has received funding from UiO: Life Science and the Research Council of Norway.
Date & Time: 9am-6pm, Friday 29 September 2017
Location: University Library Auditorium 1, Georg Sverdrup Hus, Blindern, University of Oslo.
About EMBL
EMBL is one of the world’s leading research institutions, and Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences and associated disciplines. The main laboratory is in Heidelberg, with outstations in Hinxton (UK), Rome (Italy), Hamburg (Germany), Grenoble (France), and Barcelona (Spain). EMBL is financed by 27 member/associate member states, including Norway.
There are many opportunities to visit one of the EMBL labs, including for a scientific position (PhD student, post doc, group leader, technician), as a user of their excellent facilities, or to attend a conference or course. This one-day meeting will inform you about all these activities.
Event programme
- The event will allow you to hear the personal experiences of Norwegian scientists who had the opportunity to work at the EMBL, including staff, fellows and alumni from leading universities and scientific organisations, industry, medical hospitals, and the ministry in Norway. There will also be opportunity to meet informally with the speakers in the intervals, and at the post-meeting party.
- While EMBL will be the main focus of this meeting we will also inform you about two other international funding organizations:
- The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) is a funding organization for post docs, courses, workshops and conferences and other activities. ( Norway is one of the member states financing EMBO.
- The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) is an international funding agency for postdocs, research networks and career development. ( Norway is one of the member states financing HFSP.
For the full programme, see:
Attendees must register
The meeting is free of charge but we ask that all attendees register in advance. Please note that in order to guarantee a name tag for the event, you must register by Friday 22 September.
Register at:
More information
Further information is available from Gareth Griffiths ( and Rein Aasland (