Tor Inge Tønnessen "Researcher of the Month" for September

The South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst) has appointed Tor Inge Tønnessen from the Anaesthesia & Intensive Care Research Group at the Division of Emergencies and Critical Care at Oslo University Hospital as "Researcher of the month" for the month of September 2017.
Article about Tønnessen's research (in Norwegian), written by Hedda Holth, OUS:
- Oppdager problemer før de inntreffer ("Problems discovered before they occur")
Archive - Researcher of the month, South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst)
Tor Inge Tønnessen's publications
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Research Group home page (in Norwegian, from UiO) in Norwegian, from the UiO web site)