Substantial grant from HELSEVEL to Jon Michael Gran

Jon Michael Gran, researcher at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology (OCBE), recently received a grant of 15 million NOK from the Research Council of Norway (HELSEVEL program). The title of the project is “Effects of workplace initiatives on sick leave and work participation - new statistical and causal models to utilise population registries”. The project will utilise large linked population-wide registry data in assessing the effects of the Norwegian Agreement on a More Inclusive Working Life (the IA Agreement) and the use of graded sick leave on long-term health related absence from work.
The grant cover four three-year positions, two postdocs and two Phd’s. Two positions will be located at OCBE and two at the main project collaborators at the National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI). There were 72 applicants, of which 5 projects received funding.
The Programme on Health, Care and Welfare Services Research (HELSEVEL) encompasses health and care services, social and welfare services, and child welfare. Services research and service innovation are the key components of the programme.
Health, care and welfare services research (HELSEVEL), a part of the Research Council of Norway
Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE) at OUH
Jon Michael Gran's publications
Jon Michael Gran's UiO home page, at the Institute of Basal Medical Sciences