Computer simulated cancer treatment presented in research magazine Apollon

Researchers at the Oslo University Hospital and University of Oslo are developing a computer program that can assist oncologists to find the best personalized treatment for each patient. The main driving force behind the project is Arnoldo Frigessi, professor in medical statistics at UiO, who is head of the "Oslo Centre for Biostatistics Epidemiology" at OUS and leader of the "Centre for Research-based Innovation" (SFI) "Big Insight".
The award winning research magazine "Apollon" recently presented the work of Frigessi and collaborators in an extensive feature article by Yngve Vogt.
Article in Apollon (in Norwegian):
Simulerer kreftbehandlingen din på datamaskinen
Om ti år kan datamaskiner foreslå den kreftbehandlingen som passer best for deg
10.000 nordmenn dør av kreft hvert år: Sånn skal datamaskinene redde oss
Arnoldo Frigessi's publications
Oslo Centre for Biostatistics & Epidemiology (OCBE)
Big Insight - a Centre for Research-based Innovation