Theodossiou interviewed for Smithsonian Magazine on how natural light may be used to kill cancer cells

Theodossis Theodossiou, senior researcher and leader of the Protonics project group at the Department of Radiation Biology, has recently been interviewed for the Smithsonian - the official journal published by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
His views on how natural light may be used in future cancer treatment are presented in a feature article entitled "How Studying Bioluminescent Creatures Is Transforming Medical Science".
The Smithsonian article:
How Studying Bioluminescent Creatures Is Transforming Medical Science
Home page of the Protonics project group, led by Theodossis Theodossiou
The Department of Radiation Biology
Previous news article abou Theodossiou, from
Theodossis A. Theodossiou researcher of the year at the Institute for Cancer Research (13.12.2019)
2019 Innovation Radar Prize for Innovative Science to Lumiblast (27.09.2019)
Could Light-Activated Drugs Turn Proton Therapy into a More Radical Treatment for Cancer? (04.09.2019)
Protonics team leader presenting their research on The Scientist's Channel (02.04.2019)
Theodossiou and Berg presented in national media after receiving prestigious EU grant (04.05.2018)
Theodossiou and Berg funded by the Future and Emerging Technology (FET) program (31.03.2016)
PCI research funded by Euronanomed II ERA-NET program (03.11.2015)
Findings regarding a novel non-genomic tamoxifen cytotoxic action published in ACS Chemical Biology (26.11.2015)