Tuula Nyman awarded millions for scientific infrastructure for proteomics research

Tuula Nyman is awarded 57 million kroner for her project “National network for advanced proteomic-infrastructrure”, NAPI in short from the Norwegian Research Council.
Nyman is a researcher at the Department for immunology at the Institute of Clinical Medicine at UiO and Oslo University Hospital, and head of the Proteomics Core Facility.
– The main goal of NAPI is to establish a national technological and scientific infrastructure for proteomics research, Nyman says.
What is proteomics?
Combined, all proteins in a cell, tissue or organism are called a proteome. Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins.
– Proteome level information is fundamentally important for unraveling disease mechanisms, finding new drug targets, and developing personalized medicines, she explains.
Important grant for the proteomics field
Nyman emphasizes how important this grant is for Norwegian proteomics. The researcher is looking forward to collaborating closely with national partners in this project.
– Proteomics requires advanced mass spectrometry instruments. Most of us doing proteomics today have outdated instruments. This grant gives us the possibility to purchase new, up-to-date instruments and establish novel proteomics techniques. Nyman says.
Partners include all Norwegian proteomics core facilities, as well as research groups with a strong focus on proteomics technology development. A core facility is a laboratory with particularly advanced equipment that serves researchers both within and outside the unit.
National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure (INFRASTRUKTUR)
Relevant and up-to-date infrastructure is essential for conducting research at the top international level. With its National Financing Initiative for Research Infrastructure, the Norwegian Research Council aim to support relevant and updated research infrastructure for Norwegian researchers.
This grant is the first time the Institute of Clinical Medicine is coordinating a project from this Initiative.
– We are very pleased that Klinmed coordinates the national infrastructure for proteomics analysis. This grant will increase the capacity for proteomics and strengthen our expertise in this rapidly evolving field. We hope the increased availability of this technology will lead to more researchers using it for their research, says Shuo-Wang Qiao, deputy head of the Institute.
The Proteomics core facility is shared between OUS and UiO/MedFAc, and the grant is coming to UiO side.
From the home page of UiO (in Norwegian):
Tuula Nyman får 57 millioner til forskningsinfrastruktur på proteomikk
Proteomics Core Facility home page at OUS
Home page of Tuula Nyman's research group:
Cell Signalling Networks in Innate Immunity