Spanish independent young researcher position awarded to Caroline Nunes-Xavier

Cancer researcher and scientist Caroline Nunes-Xavier from the Department of Tumor Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research (OUS) since 2013, receives a prestigious grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, called Contratos Miguel Servet. This is a 5-year funding for her as a young independent researcher, with a potential prolongation of 5 years and a commitment for a permanent position.
Caroline initiated her career at the University of Oslo, where she obtained a Bachelor- and a Master-Degree in Molecular Biology (2006). She was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie PhD Fellowship and obtained her European PhD at the University of Valencia in Spain in 2011. In 2015 Caroline received a FRIPRO mobility grant from the Research Council of Norway, COFUNDED by Marie Skłodowska-Curie, and spent two years at the Biocruces-Bizkaia Health Research Institute (BBHRI) in the Basque Country in Spain. She has now been awarded with a position in Spain to continue her work on novel immune checkpoint proteins as biomarkers and therapeutic targets. She will work at BBHRI and will continue collaborating with the Institute for Cancer Research.
While several funding agencies in Norway are cutting down on their support to positions for young independent researchers, other countries are maintaining this type of support which is essential for young scientists in their career track to become group leaders.
Caroline Nunes-Xavier's personal page
Project page - Immune checkpoint protein B7-H3 as novel therapeutic target in cancer
Home page of the Metastasis Biology and Experimental Therapeutics research group, headed by Gunhild Mælandsmo