Anita Sveen invited speaker at AACR special conference on colorectal cancer

Anita Sveen, project group leader and member of the Lothe lab at the Department of Molecular Oncology at the Institute for Cancer research, was invited speaker at the AACR special conference colorectal cancer, held October 1-4th in Portland, Oregon, USA.
In her well received speech Dr. Sveen presented the multidisciplinary work from the TEAM-ACT (Tumor Evolution in Advanced Models to Accelerate precision Cancer Therapy) - a strategic research area of OUS.
Her talk presented unpublished results and focused on patients receiving experimental drug treatment based on the tumor organoid work and genomics performed in the Lothe lab.

From the AACR home page:
AACR special conference: Colorectal cancer, October 1-4, 2022
Anita Sveen's mini CV and publications
Home page of the Lothe lab: The Genetics Group
Department om Molecular Oncology
TEAM-ACT: Tumor Evolution in Advanced Models to Accelerate precision Cancer
Previous news articles about Anita Sveen:
Dr Ragnar Mørk´s Prize for excellent cancer research 2021 to Anita Sveen
Anita Sveen awarded the ICR "Researcher of the Year" Prize for 2020
The 2019 Oslo University Hospital Researcher Awards to Andreassen, Kalager and Sveen