Andersen's group contributors to Alzheimer's study published in Science
The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis, led by Professor Jan Terje Andersen, is involved in a new study that has been published in the prestigious journal Science. The study sheds light on how new biological insights can provide more effective immunotherapy aimed at age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's.
The work is a collaboration between Andersen's lab and researchers Leo James at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) and William McEwan at University of Cambridge and the UK Dementia Institute.

The Science publication:
Mukadam AS, Miller LVC, Smith AE, Vaysburd M, Sakya SA, Sanford S, Keeling S, Tuck BJ, Katsinelos T, Green C, Skov L, Kaalund SS, Foss S, Mayes K, O'Connell K, Wing M, Knox C, Banbury J, Avezov E, Rowe JB, Goedert M, Andersen JT, James LC, McEwan WA (2023)
Cytosolic antibody receptor TRIM21 is required for effective tau immunotherapy in mouse models
Science, 379 (6639), 1336-1341
DOI 10.1126/science.abn1366, PubMed 36996217
In the media:
Norske forskere fikk publisert Alzheimer-studie i prestisje-tidsskriftet Science (HealthTalk, 04.04.2023)
Norsk forskningsgruppe har bidratt til Alzheimers-studie (MedWatch, 04.04.2023)
The homepage of Jan Terje Andersen' group:
The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis