The spin-out company Authera from Andersen's group has entered a collaborative agreement with argenx to gain in-depth biologic insights into the complex biology of the neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)
The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis, headed by Professor Jan Terje Andersen, is in the forefront of studies related to the biology of FcRn, which is instrumental in design of antibody and albumin based therapeutic molecules. Last year, the OUH researchers Simone Mester and Torleif Tollefsrud Gjølberg joined Andersen in establishment of Authera AS - a new pre-clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to the discovery and development of novel therapeutic biologics. Now the company has revealed that it has entered a collaborative agreement with argenx, which has developed and is commercializing the first-and-only approved FcRn blocker for treatment of IgG-driven autoimmune diseases.

Photo: Moment Studio
Read about the collaboration and the journey taken by the researchers:
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