Jan Terje Andersen awarded Inven2's "Innovator of the Year" prize for 2023

Jan Terje Andersen, head of the "The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis" at the Department of Immunology at OUH, and professor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO has been named "Innovator of the Year" by Inven2 for 2023.
The award goes to a researcher who has made a special discovery and effort to commercialize research, and is awarded on Inven2's Innovation Day.
Andersen receives the distinction for his outstanding commitment to innovation, for his many inventions based on research and for the establishment of the company Authera.
Andersen has so far contributed to 65 innovations, 11 patent families and 50 industrial agreements, including product sales, cooperation agreements and licences for patents, and played a major role in the establishment of the company Authera in 2022, together with professor emerita Inger Sandlie and two of his former doctoral students, Simone Mester and Torleif T. Gjølberg.
Jan Terje Andersen's research group is a member of the Centre of Excellence Precision Immunotherapy Alliance (PRIMA).
Feature article about Andersen from Inven2's home page:
Innovation motivated by patients
News articles in Norwegian:
Jan Terje Andersen kåra til Årets innovatør hos Inven2 (med.uio.no)
Prisdryss fra Inven2: Jan Terje Andersen ble «Årets innovatør» (HealthTalk)
Fikk innovasjonspris: – Jeg har konkurranseinstinkt (MedWatch)
The Laboratory of Adaptive Immunity and Homeostasis, headed by Jan Terje Andersen