Collaboration on artificial intelligence: Improving lung and breast cancer care through AI-driven precision diagnostics

Oslo University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet (KI) have entered a postdoctoral partnership with AstraZeneca. The aim is to improve lung and breast cancer care through AI-driven precision diagnostics.
In Oslo, we are welcoming Anna Christina Garvert as a postdoc in lung cancer, and Francisco Peña has been selected and started at KI working on breast cancer. They will be developing AI-based tools for precision medicine in cancer, utilizing existing diagnostic and clinical data to enhance patient outcomes.
The two projects can learn from each other and continuously improve.
This partnership is a groundbreaking example of public-private cooperation across the Nordic region, designed to spur innovation and empower early career scientists. It’s all about transforming research into real-world clinical applications, directly benefiting patient care.
Professor Åslaug Helland, head of the Translational studies on solid tumours research group at the Institute for Cancer Research at Oslo University Hospital, is our participating researcher in the collaboration.
Kjetil Taskén, Head of Institute for Cancer Research, has also been involved in setting up the collaboration from OUH's side, in addition to Benedikte Akre in AstraZenica.
- We are incredibly proud to create this postoc program together with Karolinska Institutet and Oslo University Hospital, says Benedikte Akre, medical director at AstraZenica.
- This initiative will be a unique opportunity and career development for the postdocs, with the opportunity to work with a network of experts from OUS, Karolinska Institutet and AstraZeneca, explains Akre.
- Our overall goal is to contribute to innovation, and share knowledge and expertise that can benefit patients.
The two new postdocs will work with artificial intelligence on health data. One will be employed at Oslo University Hospital and one at Karolinska Institutet.
The supervisors are Åslaug Helland at OUS together with Johan Hartman and Mattias Rantailainen from Karolinska Institutet. The aim is to improve lung and breast cancer care through AI-driven precision diagnostics. The newly hired postdoctoral fellows will have mentors in AstraZenica in addition to their supervisors in Karolinska Institutet and Oslo University Hospital.
- This is an exciting project, and we have high expectations for what can come out of this, says Åslaug Helland.
- We had many very good applicants for the positions, and have employed very good postdoctoral fellows, and the aim is to improve the prognosis of our patients.
News article (in Norwegian) from the Oslo University Hospital home page:
OUS er med på en pilot for å endre kreftbehandling med kunstig intelligens
Åslaug Helland's research group:
Translational studies on solid tumours