Heart research award to Kristina Haugaa

Professor Kristina Haugaa was presented with the Heart Research Award by HRH Crown Princess Mette-Marit during a ceremony on 15 April. The prize is awarded by the National Association for Public Health and is given to a researcher in Norway who meets high professional goals and who can demonstrate significant results in the heart field. Haugaa, who is professor at the Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo and consultant at Oslo University Hospital, received the award for her pioneering work focusing on preventing sudden cardiac death due to genetic heart defects.
- This award means a lot. First and foremost, it is important for all patients with hereditary heart diseases and their families, says Haugaa, and continues:
- The prize is of course also important for me and my research team. We have worked together for many years with research into hereditary heart diseases. It's really nice to be recognized for this.
Articles about the award winner, in Norwegian:
From the home page of the National Association for Public Health (Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelse):
Vinner av hjerteforskningsprisen oppdager genetisk forklaring på plutselig hjertedød
H.K.H. Kronprinsessen hedret vinnerne av Nasjonalforeningens forskningspriser for 2024
From the homepage of The Norwegian Association for Children with Congenital Heart Disease (Foreningen for hjertesyke barn):
Forskningspris til Kristina Herman Haugaa
From the home page of Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo:
Hjerteforskningsprisen til Kristina Haugaa
From forskning.no:
Kronprinsesse Mette-Marit hedret vinnere av forskningspriser
From Dagens Medisin:
Kristina Haugaa er vinner av Nasjonalforeningens hjerteforskningspris 2024
Homepage for Kristina Haugaa's research group at ous-research.no:
Cardiogenetics and sudden cardiac death