Welcome to the Clinical Radiation Biology group!

Our goal is to develop strategies for biologically optimized radiotherapy of cancers.

To reach this goal we search for molecular biomarkers that can identify patients at risk for failure and guide the clinical decision-making, or be targets for therapeutic intervention in a combined chemoradiation regime. The basis of the research is biopsies and blood samples taken from the tumors at the time of diagnosis or during therapy. Whole genome screening methodology is used, which provides new insight into the disease and enables identification of novel biomarkers and molecular targets.

We also explore whether functional tumor images (MR/PET) can aid the translation of the molecular findings into clinical practice. The success of this strategy relies on the central role of imaging for treatment planning and monitoring in radiation oncology.

Our research projects are run in close collaboration with the clinic.

The group leads the regional research network in radiation oncology NIRO.

Master students are welcome to our research projects.


Contact information

Heidi Lyng, Department of Radiation Biology, Institute for Cancer Research
Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital
Phone +47 22 78 1478, e-mail: heidi.lyng@ous-hf.no