Award ceremony November 3rd: Harald Stenmark awarded Anders Jahre's medical prize for 2022

The University of Oslo announced in June that Anders Jahre's major medical prize for 2022 of NOK 1 million goes to Harald Stenmark, head of the Cellular Membrane Dynamics research group at the Institute for Cancer Research.
The prizes for 2022 will be given out in the University's auditorium on Thursday 3 November at 18:00.
In conjunction with the Award ceremony there are open Jahre Lectures by the Prize winners in a session from 1000-1345 in the down-town university complex (Professorboligen).
Anders Jahre's medical awards reward outstanding research in basic and clinical medicine. The annual prizes are distributed by the University of Oslo and are among the largest in medicine in the Nordic countries.
Professor Harald Stenmark receives the award for his pioneering studies of processes in cell membranes and how misregulation of such processes affects the development of cancer. The findings of the award winner are important for understanding and treating diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer and psychiatric disorders. The award is in the sum of NOK 1 million.
Program and abstracts from the session
Anders Jahre’s Awards for Medical Research 2022 – The Jahre Lectures - (open as PDF)
Information from UiO about the open Jahre lectures in the "Professorboligen" Thursday 3 November at 10.00-13.45 NB: The lectures are fully booked, but you may send an e-mail to to be on the waiting list if someone cancels.

Stenmark's abstract, The Jahre Lectures, 3 November 2022:
Cellular membrane dynamics and cancer
When trying to understand the cellular processes that gradually transform normal cells into cancer cells, most focus has been on changes in DNA and on signalling pathways that control cell proliferation and survival. In our laboratory we have been interested in the fact that most cancer-relevant cellular processes depend on proteins that interact with cellular membranes. The dynamic rearrangements of cellular membranes therefore control processes that prevent normal cells from transforming into cancer cells, and dysregulation of cellular membrane dynamics is indeed frequently involved in cancer progression. We have been investigating the molecular biology of membrane dynamics that controls genome integrity, signal transduction, nutrient uptake, metabolism, survival and invasion, with special emphasis on phosphorylated membrane lipids known as phosphoinositides, and a multi-subunit molecular machinery known as ESCRT. This has led to the discovery of novel molecules that either prevent or accelerate cancer progression.
Read more from the University of Oslo home page (in Norwegian):
Anders Jahres store medisinske pris tildeles Harald Stenmark
Home page of Harald Stenmark's group:
Cellular membrane dynamics
Department of Molecular Cell Biology
News articles from about awards previously won by Harald Stenmark:
Fridtjof Nansen award 2021 for excellent research to Harald A. Stenmark
The University of Oslo Research Award 2018 til Harald Stenmark
Møbius 2015: Prestigious award from the Research Council of Norway to Harald A. Stenmark
King Olav V's cancer research prize for 2014 to Harald A. Stenmark
Oslo University Hospital's Excellent Researcher Award 2013 to Harald Stenmark