ClinVir – Clinical Virology Research Group

Group leader
The ClinVir is a research group consisting of clinical virologists, clinicians and scientist engaged in virus research in laboratories. The research group carries out clinical research in virology and clinical vaccine trials. Our main focus is on viral hepatitis, enteric viruses and respiratory viruses, viral infections in immunosuppressed patients and in pregnancy. The group collaborates with scientists in various research areas, and supervises PhD candidates.
Our research goal is to develop methods for viral diagnostics and to increase the knowledge about the pathology of virus infections. Our group is engaged in research on prevention of viral diseases by conducting vaccine trials, in addition to antiviral therapy and antiviral resistance studies. Apart from running randomized controlled trials (RCTs), we carry out epidemiological studies.
NB: There are no open positions available in our group at this time. Future vacancy announcements will be posted on our NEWS page, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital Vacancies' page or other Norwegian job search websites such as Webcruiter, etc.