Alvaro Köhn-Luque

  • Senior researcher; PhD

Publications 2024

Akman T, Arendt LM, Geisler J, Kristensen VN, Frigessi A, Köhn-Luque A (2024)
Modeling of Mouse Experiments Suggests that Optimal Anti-Hormonal Treatment for Breast Cancer is Diet-Dependent
Bull Math Biol, 86 (4), 42
DOI 10.1007/s11538-023-01253-1, PubMed 38498130

Metzcar J, Jutzeler CR, Macklin P, Köhn-Luque A, Brüningk SC (2024)
A review of mechanistic learning in mathematical oncology
Front Immunol, 15, 1363144
DOI 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1363144, PubMed 38533513

Schmiester L, Brasó-Maristany F, González-Farré B, Pascual T, Gavilá J, Tekpli X, Geisler J, Kristensen VN, Frigessi A, Prat A, Köhn-Luque A (2024)
Computational Model Predicts Patient Outcomes in Luminal B Breast Cancer Treated with Endocrine Therapy and CDK4/6 Inhibition
Clin Cancer Res, 30 (17), 3779-3787
DOI 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-24-0244, PubMed 38922642

Wu C, Gunnarsson EB, Myklebust EM, Köhn-Luque A, Tadele DS, Enserink JM, Frigessi A, Foo J, Leder K (2024)
Using birth-death processes to infer tumor subpopulation structure from live-cell imaging drug screening data
PLoS Comput Biol, 20 (3), e1011888
DOI 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1011888, PubMed 38446830

Publications 2023

Ghannoum S, Fantini D, Zahoor M, Reiterer V, Phuyal S, Leoncio Netto W, Sørensen Ø, Iyer A, Sengupta D, Prasmickaite L, Mælandsmo GM, Köhn-Luque A, Farhan H (2023)
A combined experimental-computational approach uncovers a role for the Golgi matrix protein Giantin in breast cancer progression
PLoS Comput Biol, 19 (4), e1010995
DOI 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010995, PubMed 37068117

Köhn-Luque A, Myklebust EM, Tadele DS, Giliberto M, Schmiester L, Noory J, Harivel E, Arsenteva P, Mumenthaler SM, Schjesvold F, Taskén K, Enserink JM, Leder K, Frigessi A, Foo J (2023)
Phenotypic deconvolution in heterogeneous cancer cell populations using drug-screening data
Cell Rep Methods, 3 (3), 100417
DOI 10.1016/j.crmeth.2023.100417, PubMed 37056380

Publications 2022

Mo T, Brandal SHB, Köhn-Luque A, Engebraaten O, Kristensen VN, Fleischer T, Hompland T, Seierstad T (2022)
Quantification of Tumor Hypoxia through Unsupervised Modelling of Consumption and Supply Hypoxia MR Imaging in Breast Cancer
Cancers (Basel), 14 (5)
DOI 10.3390/cancers14051326, PubMed 35267636

Publications 2021

Carr E, Bendayan R, Bean D, Stammers M, Wang W, Zhang H, Searle T, Kraljevic Z, Shek A, Phan HTT, Muruet W, Gupta RK, Shinton AJ, Wyatt M, Shi T, Zhang X, Pickles A, Stahl D, Zakeri R, Noursadeghi M, O'Gallagher K, Rogers M, Folarin A, Karwath A, Wickstrøm KE et al. (2021)
Evaluation and improvement of the National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) for COVID-19: a multi-hospital study
BMC Med, 19 (1), 23
DOI 10.1186/s12916-020-01893-3, PubMed 33472631

Ghannoum S, Antos K, Leoncio Netto W, Gomes C, Köhn-Luque A, Farhan H (2021)
CellMAPtracer: A User-Friendly Tracking Tool for Long-Term Migratory and Proliferating Cells Associated with FUCCI Systems
Cells, 10 (2)
DOI 10.3390/cells10020469, PubMed 33671785

Ghannoum S, Leoncio Netto W, Fantini D, Ragan-Kelley B, Parizadeh A, Jonasson E, Ståhlberg A, Farhan H, Köhn-Luque A (2021)
DIscBIO: A User-Friendly Pipeline for Biomarker Discovery in Single-Cell Transcriptomics
Int J Mol Sci, 22 (3)
DOI 10.3390/ijms22031399, PubMed 33573289

Lai X, Taskén HA, Mo T, Funke SW, Frigessi A, Rognes ME, Köhn-Luque A (2021)
A scalable solver for a stochastic, hybrid cellular automaton model of personalized breast cancer therapy
Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng, 38 (1), e3542
DOI 10.1002/cnm.3542, PubMed 34716985

Möller T, Klungerbo V, Diab S, Holmstrøm H, Edvardsen E, Grindheim G, Brun H, Thaulow E, Köhn-Luque A, Rösner A, Døhlen G (2021)
Circulatory Response to Rapid Volume Expansion and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Fontan Circulation
Pediatr Cardiol, 43 (4), 903-913
DOI 10.1007/s00246-021-02802-y, PubMed 34921324

Wickstrøm KE, Vitelli V, Carr E, Holten AR, Bendayan R, Reiner AH, Bean D, Searle T, Shek A, Kraljevic Z, Teo J, Dobson R, Tonby K, Köhn-Luque A, Amundsen EK (2021)
Regional performance variation in external validation of four prediction models for severity of COVID-19 at hospital admission: An observational multi-centre cohort study
PLoS One, 16 (8), e0255748
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0255748, PubMed 34432797

Publications 2019

Lai X, Geier OM, Fleischer T, Garred Ø, Borgen E, Funke SW, Kumar S, Rognes ME, Seierstad T, Børresen-Dale AL, Kristensen VN, Engebraaten O, Köhn-Luque A, Frigessi A (2019)
Toward Personalized Computer Simulation of Breast Cancer Treatment: A Multiscale Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Model Informed by Multitype Patient Data
Cancer Res, 79 (16), 4293-4304
DOI 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-1804, PubMed 31118201

Publications 2017

Hinrichs CN, Ingargiola M, Käubler T, Löck S, Temme A, Köhn-Luque A, Deutsch A, Vovk O, Stasyk O, Kunz-Schughart LA (2017)
Arginine Deprivation Therapy: Putative Strategy to Eradicate Glioblastoma Cells by Radiosensitization
Mol Cancer Ther, 17 (2), 393-406
DOI 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-16-0807, PubMed 28830984

Publications 2016

Alfonso JC, Köhn-Luque A, Stylianopoulos T, Feuerhake F, Deutsch A, Hatzikirou H (2016)
Why one-size-fits-all vaso-modulatory interventions fail to control glioma invasion: in silico insights
Sci Rep, 6, 37283
DOI 10.1038/srep37283, PubMed 27876890

Publications 2015

Sugihara K, Nishiyama K, Fukuhara S, Uemura A, Arima S, Kobayashi R, Köhn-Luque A, Mochizuki N, Suda T, Ogawa H, Kurihara H (2015)
Autonomy and Non-autonomy of Angiogenic Cell Movements Revealed by Experiment-Driven Mathematical Modeling
Cell Rep, 13 (9), 1814-27
DOI 10.1016/j.celrep.2015.10.051, PubMed 26655898

Publications 2013

Köhn-Luque A, de Back W, Yamaguchi Y, Yoshimura K, Herrero MA, Miura T (2013)
Dynamics of VEGF matrix-retention in vascular network patterning
Phys Biol, 10 (6), 066007
DOI 10.1088/1478-3975/10/6/066007, PubMed 24305433

Publications 2011

Köhn-Luque A, de Back W, Starruss J, Mattiotti A, Deutsch A, Pérez-Pomares JM, Herrero MA (2011)
Early embryonic vascular patterning by matrix-mediated paracrine signalling: a mathematical model study
PLoS One, 6 (9), e24175
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0024175, PubMed 21949696