Annual reminder for OUS research personell: Information concerning NIFU's procedure in obtaining personal data for national FoU statistics

As part of the national R&D statistics, NIFU once a year collects personnel data from institutions that perform research and development.
The data collected comprises the professional, academic staff, higher technical/administrative staff and managers in the Higher education sector, the Institute sector and the health trusts. The information gathered is used in developing official statistics for the Norwegian authorities, and as part of international statistics which is compiled by the OECD and Eurostat. The data is also used in statistical analysis of e.g. recruitment of researchers and mobility in the Norwegian research system.
NIFU hereby informs the employees at the Oslo universitetssykehus HF that information about them has been collected for this purpose.
The information recorded about on individual level is name, identity number, place of work (institute/department, educational institution) as well as information about higher education and possible PhD/doctors degree. We stress that the collected information is not sensitive personal data in regards to the Personal Data Act, and that information on the individual level is used solely for statistical purposes and will under no circumstances be disclosed to any third party. Datatilsynet has reviewed NIFUs Register of Research Personnel, and found that the register meets the terms of the Personal Data Act.
NIFUs Register of Research personnel uses personal identification number (fødselsnummer) as registry key. This is based on the need for a unique identifier that is consistent over time. Unique identification is important to avoid double counting due to similarity of names, for correct identification when changing workplace, and to be able to identify persons who are working at several institutions (for example Professor II positions).
We will also inform you that it is possible to reserve against storing of personal information. If you wish to do this, please send a message to Bjørn Magne Olsen, e-mail
Statistics which are based on NIFUs collection of personal data can be found in our bank of statistics under National R & D statistics, R & D personnel. For further information about NIFUs Register of Research Personnel and the use of the statistics, please contact Hebe Gunnes.