UiO's Innovations Prize 2014 to Øyvind S. Bruland

Professor Øyvind S. Bruland, head of the Sarcoma group at the from the Department of Oncology at Oslo University Hospital, has together with Roy Hartwig Larsen won the University of Oslo Innovation Prize for 2014.
Bruland and his research has in this connection been thoroughly presented in UiO's web newspaper "Uniforum" and in UiO's research magazine "Apollon" (download in pdf format).
Article from Uniforum (in Norwegian):
Veien til milliardsuksessen Algeta ("The road to thousand million (billion) success Algeta")
Article from Apollon (in Norwegian):
Musikk i laboratoriet - Opprørsk kreftforsker med internasjonal suksess. Download in PDF format
(Music in the laboratory - Rebellious cancer researcher with international success)
About UiO's innovation prize