WiBEC (Wireless In-Body Environment Communications) selected for funding by EU New EU H2020- MARIE Sklodowska-CURIE ACTIONS project coordinated by The Intervention Centre

WiBEC (Wireless In-Body Environment Communications), an Innovative Training Network for 16 young researchers, has been selected for funding by the European Commission under the H2020- MARIE Sklodowska-CURIE ACTIONS (MSCA-ITN-2015).
The beneficiaries are Oslo University Hospital with professor Ilangko Balasingham (photo) as coordinator, Sorin CRM, France, Universitat Politechnica de Valencia, Spain, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, Ovesco AG, Germany, Norges tekninsk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Norway, ValoTec, France, and Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe, Spain.
The non-beneficiaries are Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and Université Paris Sud, France. This training network will address the Social, Health, and Technology challenges of the H2020:Wireless In-Body Devices. WiBECs main objective is to provide high quality and innovative doctoral training to develop the wireless technologies for novel implantable devices for applications in cardiology and gastroenterology that will contribute to the improvement in quality and efficacy of healthcare.
Home page of Ilangko Balasingham's group: Wireless Sensor Network Research Group
The Intervention Centre main home page
The Intervention Centre home page at ous-research.no