Presenting the Young Academy of Norway

The first leader
Norway is in the process of establishing the Young Academy of Norway (Norwegian: Akademiet for yngre forskere). The first call for members was issued earlier this year and the nearly 160 young researchers applied and 20 of them are now becoming the founding members of the Young Academy of Norway.
Three OUS researchers have been accepted as members: Gro Elisabeth Lind, head of the Epigentics group at the Department of Molecular Oncology at the Institute for Cancer Research, Kyrre Eeg Emplem, principal investigator in Atle Bjørnerud's Functional MR Neuroimaging group at the Intervention Centre and Monica Aas from Ingrid Melle's group at the Division of Mental Health & Addiction.
Guro E. Lind is appointed the first leader of the Academy.
About the Young Academy of Norway
The Young Academy of Norway is open for talented, young researchers from all disciplines interested in working interdisciplinarily and dedicating time to work with broader issues such as policy development and innovative research dissemination.
Members are chosen after an application process which involves a scientific review process followed by interviews. Relevant candidates will have conducted independent research, gained a position within their discipline and be no older than 38 years old in the year of application. Equally importantly, the candidates must be interested in and have the possibility to invest time and energy into building the academy.
Once fully established, the academy will consist of 40 young researchers of any nationality working in Norway and can include up to 10 young researchers working internationally but in close association with Norwegian research institutions. While open to members of any nationality, the working language of the academy is Norwegian. The academy will gather at least biannually at different locations in Norway and will cooperate with the growing community of national and global young academies worldwide.
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters took the initiative to establish The Young Academy of Norway, and the secretariat is currently based at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.
The Young Academy of Norway – part of an international trend
The first Young Academy, Die Junge Akademie, was founded in Germany in 2000. Since then nearly 30 other National Young Academies have follows form Sweden to Sudan and Sri Lanka. In addition the Global Young Academy was formed in 2010.
The new members
The following 20 will found the Young Acadmy of Norway on the 29 October 2015:
Monica Aas (Oslo University Hospitial(OUS)/University of Oslo(UiO)), Jan Magnus Aronsen (UiO & Bjørknes College), Einar D. Bøhn (University of Agder), Katrien De Moor (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)), Michael F. Duch (NTNU), Kyrre E. Emblem (OUS), Katja Enberg (Institute of Marine Research), Ingeborg P. Helland (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research), Aslak Hjeltnes (University of Bergen (UiB)), Alexander R. Jensenius (UiO), Carl Henrik Knutsen (UiO), Simen Kvaal (UiO), Guro E. Lind (OUS), Arnfinn Midtbøen (Institute for Social Research), Laura Sætveit Miles (UiB), Kathrine R. Redalen (Akershus University Hospital), Marie E. Rognes (SIMULA), Anders Schomacker (NTNU (soon Univeristy of Tromsø)), Katerini T. Storeng (SUM (UiO)) og Gudrun Østby (Peace Research Institute Oslo).
Homepage of Adademiet for yngre forskere
News articles in Norwegian from various scientific web sites:
From Forskerforum:
Overveldende respons for ungt akademi
From Uniforum:
Norge får akademi for unge forskere
From The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters:
Akademiet for yngre forskere etableres
Akademiet for yngre forskere etableres (including blog)