NoPSC study of PSC gut microbiota published in Gut

The study represents a milestone at Norwegian PSC Research Center, being the first entirely based on in-house methodology, and also providing an important starting point for studies on the clinical application of gut microbiota in this disease.
Original article
The gut microbial profile in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis is distinct from patients with ulcerative colitis without biliary disease and healthy controls
Martin Kummen, Kristian Holm, Jarl Andreas Anmarkrud, Ståle Nygård, Mette Vesterhus, Marte L Høivik, Marius Trøseid, Hanns-Ulrich Marschall, Erik Schrumpf, Bjørn Moum, Helge Røsjø, Pål Aukrust, Tom H Karlsen, Johannes R Hov
Published Online First 17 February 2016
Home page of Norwegian PCS (primary sclerosing cholangitis) Research Center - NoPSC
Blog article about the project written by Martin Kummen, from the OUS research blog (in Norwegian):
Tett forhold mellom tarm og lever (translated to: "Close relationship between gut and liver")