Marina Vietri interviewed for major Italian research web portal

A comprehensive interview with postdoc Marina Vietri from Harald Stenmark's group at the Department of Molecular Biology has recently been published on - the web portal of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) established in order to map, support and promote high-quality Italian research.
The introduction to the English version of this readable interview goes as follows: "From San Raffaele in Milan to the Institute for Cancer Research of the University Hospital of Oslo where her research deserved publication in Nature and she won the Norwegian H.M. the Kings Gold medal for best PhD thesis in Medicine in the year 2016, being the first Italian researcher who has ever received it."
The interview with Marina Vietri from ResearchItaly:
In Oslo, Researchitaly interviews Marina Vietri, winner of the Norwegian H.M. the King's Gold medal for best 2016 PhD thesis
Article (in Italian) about Marina Vietri from September 1st of "Brainfactor", a critical journal of neuroscience
Marina Vietri È Medaglia Doro
Marina Vietri's publications
Home page of Harald Stenmark's group "Cellular membrane dynamics"
Previous news articles about Marina Vietri:
H.M. the King's Gold Medal to Marina Vietri
Paper from OUS/CCB researchers dedicated commentary articles in both Nature and Science