Wednesday 22nd of August Celebration of Harald Stenmark’s ERC Advanced Grant

The second ERC Advanced Grant to Professor Harald Stenmark, director of the Centre of Excellence “Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming” at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO, and head of the "Cellular membrane dynamics" group and the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute for Cancer Research, OUH was celebrated on 22nd of August.
Through this prestigious grant from the European Research Council, Stenmark's research project "Coincidence detection of proteins and lipids in regulation of cellular membrane dynamics (CODE)" is supported with 2.5 million Euros over a 5-year period.
Programme for the celebration:
Welcome by Kjetil Taskén, director of the Institute for Cancer Research, OUH
Greetings by
Per Morten Sandset, vice-rector at University of Oslo
Bjørn Erikstein, CEO at Oslo University Hospital
Frode Vartdal, dean at the Faculty of Medicine, UiO
Ivar Gladhaug, head of Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO
Sigbjørn Smeland, head of Division of Cancer Medicine, OUH
Talk by Harald Stenmark: “Membrane dynamics and cancer”
The celebration continued in the lobby area with cake, coffee and soft drinks.

Home page of Harald Stenmark's group - Cellular membrane dynamics
Harald Stenmark's CV and publictions
CanCell - Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming
News articles from
European Research Council Advanced Grant to Stenmark for the second time
CanCell a new Centre of Excellence will reprogram cancer cells