New and important findings from the ERGO group: Glial cells play an important role in epilepsy

Scientitsts from the Epilepsy Research Group at the Nevrological Department, ERGO (Epilepsy Research Group of Oslo) have recently, in collaboration with the Letten Center at the University of Oslo, studied how the glia cells contribute actively and are crucial in epilepsy. They have demonstrate that the glial cells are activated prior to the neurons by seizures, which is completely new knowledge. The findings have been achieved through the combination of several completely new techniques that include high-resolution microscopy, the use of biosensors and advanced neurophysiology, and have recently been published in the journal "Cerebral Cortex".
The groundbreaking research on the role of glial cells in epilepsy has been thorougly presented in a popular science form in a feature article (in Norwegian) entitled "The forgotten cells of the brain - a new path into treatment of epilepsy" on the OUS blog "Ekspertsykehuset".
The article in Cerebral Cortex:
Ca2+ Signals in Astrocytes Facilitate Spread of Epileptiform Activity.
Heuser K, Nome CG, Pettersen KH, Åbjørsbråten KS, Jensen V, Tang W, Sprengel R, Taubøll E, Nagelhus EA, Enger R.
Cereb Cortex. 2018 Nov 1;28(11):4036-4048. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhy196.
PMID: 30169757
Popular science articles, in Norwegian:
Article from Ekspertsykehuset:
Hjernens glemte celler – en ny vei i epilepsibehandlingen?
Undervurdert celle gir håp om ny epilepsibehandling
Home page of ERGO - the Epilepsy Research Group of Oslo Group leader: Erik Taubøll
More articles about epilepsy (in Norwegian):
Current news on epilepsy research at OUS, written by Norsk epilepsiforbund:
Signaler fra epilepsiforskningen
Article from Ekspertsykehuset, OUS:
Hva er epilepsi?