Clinical studies - projects with many supporters

You have probably heard the saying; «Too many cooks spoil the broth». But everyone knows that in a professional kitchen, where the best dishes are served, there are many cooks. The same goes for clinical studies.
Clinical studies require a large amount of support. Many different professions work together towards a common goal, to deliver a study of good quality with reliable results.
Each year on the 20thof May, clinical studies are celebrated in honor of James Lind who conducted the first controlled study on sailors and scurvy. In this blog we wish to illuminate the support staff and the different roles involved in a clinical study. Without this support, where different professions work closely, the study would not be feasible. How many persons and which roles that are involved varies from study to study. The sections below give a taste of what the different supporters can contribute with.
Bon appétit!
Research blog by Kristina Schee, PhD and Elin Westerheim: (in Norwegian)
Kliniske studier - prosjekter med mange støttespillere
More on why patients should take part in clinical trials can be found here:
Skal vi si ja til å delta i kliniske studier?
Further info about the bits and pieces of a clinical trial can be found here:
Hva er kliniske studier?
ACRP Clinical Trials Day - #CTD2019 - home page (Association of Clinical Research Professionals)
Clinical Trial Unit home page (in Norwegian)
CTU home page at
Department for Research Support (Administrativ forskerstøtte) (in Norwegian)