2019 Innovation Radar Prize for Innovative Science to Lumiblast

The European Commission has awarded prizes to Europe's most promising innovations emerging from EU funded research and innovation projects.
The prize for Innovative Science, which recognizes cutting-edge science underpinning tomorrow's technological advances, was awarded to Oslo University Hospital for their work to bring Lumiblast, a minimally-invasive clinical treatment for cancer cells in hard to reach areas such as brain cancers, closer to clinical use. The OUH Lumiblast team consists of professor Kristian Berg, dr. Theodossis Theodossiou and dr. Quian Peng.
Lumiblast requires a concerted interdisciplinary action. Five partners from four different countries are working together to realise this breakthrough technology: Oslo University Hospital, Norway, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain, Knight Scientific Limited, United Kingdom and University of Oslo, Norway.

From the European Commision home page:
Winners of the 2019 Innovation Radar Prize announced
Lumiblast: about the innovator and the innovation
Kristian Berg's research group - Photochemical internalisation (PCI)
Theodossis Theodossiou's project group - Protonics
Quian Peng's research group: Photodynamic Therapy and Photodetection