Popular science feature article in Aftenposten Viten: Can statistics and mathematics save as many lives as new medicines?

Oslo University Hospital is part of the PERCATHE (Personalised cancer therapies) consortium, aiming to develop new, powerful and frontiers-breaking methods to build an innovative and practicable pipeline for individualised precision treatment of cancer. PERCATHE is one of 14 convergence environments under UiO:Life Science - the largest priority area at UiO.
Consortium members - OUS and UIO scientists Arnoldo Frigessi, Olav Engebråten, Vessela Kristensen, Alvaro Köhn Luque and Carl Henrik Gørbitz - have recently published a feature article in the popular science "Knowledge" (Viten) section of the Norwegian major newspaper Aftenposten, entitled "Can statistics and mathematics save as many lives as new medicines?"
The Aftenposten "Viten" article (in Norwegian):
Kan statistikk og matematikk redde like mange liv som nye medisiner?
Personalised cancer therapies (PERCATHE) home page
Convergence environments overview
OUS PERCATHE consortium members: