The success story of the Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study

Jan Cato Holter from the Department of Microbiology has written an article about how the Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study in a period of 7 months has evolved to becoming a national multicenter collaboration across all health regions and partners in the global covid-19 network. The Research Council of Norway has funded the project, which has produced 10 scientific works, of which 8 have already been submitted and 4 accepted in prestigious scientific journals. Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study is now partner in the WHO / ISARIC global covid-19 network, led by the University of Oxford, together with 562 hospitals in 42 other countries.
The article (in Norwegian) - entitled "Covid-19 forskning – globalt samarbeid og norsk dugnadsånd" is published on the Oslo University Hospital research blog "Ekspertsykehuset".
Article by Jan Cato Holter, published on "Ekspertsykehuset":
Covid-19 forskning – globalt samarbeid og norsk dugnadsånd
PNAS publication:
Allows for new treatment of covid-19 patients
Norwegian SARS-CoV-2 study, led by Jan Cato Holter
Division of Laboratory Medicine
Research projects at Oslo University Hospital related to COVID-19