Oslo University Hospital has awarded 6 excellent articles for the first half-year of 2020
In order to stimulate excellent research and draw attention to the hospital's research activity, Oslo University Hospital reward outstanding publications every half-year. Six research groups were awarded for their excellent papers published the first half-year of 2020 during a ceremony on December 11th. Each group received NOK 50.000 for use in further research.
The prize winners gave short presentations of their main findings, which were recorded, and are now available via YouTube.
The six selected articles are of especially high quality, and they present important finding on both-short and long-term scales. The works reflect the good quality and the interdisciplinarity that characterises several research environments at Oslo University Hospital. The research is a fundamental condition for the institution to maintain and strenghten the quality in the patient treatment.

"The award winning articles cover a wide range of research that will benefit future patients in the form of improved treatment methods, more precise diagnostics, better follow-up and better understanding of risk factors. It is important for the hospital to highlight and reward outstanding research and praise for the long-term efforts that lie behind it", says Director of Research, Innovation and Education Erlend B. Smeland.
This autumn's awards ceremony was marked by the pandemic situation with only a limited number present. In return, the entire ceremony could be followed directly via web TV, and is available to watch after the event.
YouTube video from the ceremony
The award-winning articles:
Equally valued award winners - excellent original articles published 1. half year of 2020
Article: Skin emollient and early complementary feeding to prevent infant atopic dermatitis (PreventADALL): a factorial, multicentre, cluster-randomised trial
Journal: The Lancet
Authors: Håvard Ove Skjerven, Eva Maria Rehbinder, Riyas Vettukattil, Marissa LeBlanc, Berit Granum, Guttorm Haugen, Gunilla Hedlin, Linn Landrø, Benjamin J Marsland, Knut Rudi, Kathrine Dønvold Sjøborg, Cilla Söderhäll, Anne Cathrine Staff, Kai-Håkon Carlsen, Anna Asarnoj, Karen Eline Stensby Bains, Oda C Lødrup Carlsen, Kim M Advocaat Endre, Peder Annæus Granlund, Johanne Uthus Hermansen, Hrefna Katrín Gudmundsdóttir, Katarina Hilde, Geir Håland, Ina Kreyberg, Inge Christoffer Olsen, Caroline-Aleksi Olsson Mägi, Live Solveig Nordhagen, Carina Madelen Saunders, Ingebjørg Skrindo, Sandra G Tedner, Magdalena R Værnesbranden, Johanna Wiik, Christine Monceyron Jonassen, Björn Nordlund, Karin C Lødrup Carlsen
Link to abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32087121/
Article: Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure
Journal: New England Journal of Medicine
Authors: David Ellinghaus, Frauke Degenhardt, Luis Bujanda, Maria Buti, Agustin Albillos, Pietro Invernizzi, Javier Fernandez, Daniele Prati, Guido Baselli, Rosanna Asselta, Marit M. Grimsrud, [130 additional coauthors], Johannes R Hov, Trine Folseraas, Luca Valenti, Andre Franke and Tom H. Karlsen
Link to abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32558485/
Article: Hypokalemia Promotes Arrhythmia by Distinct Mechanisms in Atrial and Ventricular Myocytes
Journal: Circulation Research
Authors: Kiarash Tazmini*, Michael Frisk*, Alexandre Lewalle, Martin Laasmaa, Stefano Morotti, David B. Lipsett, Ornella Manfra, Jonas Skogested, Jan M. Aronsen, Ole M. Sejersted, Ivar Sjaastad, Andrew G. Edwards, Eleonora Grandi, Steven A. Niederer, Erik Øie, William E. Louch
Link to abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32070187/
Article: Unrestrained ESCRT-III drives micronuclear catastrophe and chromosome fragmentation
Journal: Nature Cell Biology
Authors: Marina Vietri, Sebastian W. Schultz, Aurélie Bellanger, Carl M. Jones, Louise I. Petersen, Camilla Raiborg, Ellen Skarpen, Christeen Ramane J. Pedurupillay, Ingrid Kjos, Eline Kip, Romy Timmer, Ashish Jain, Philippe Collas, Roland L. Knorr, Sushma N. Grellscheid, Halim Kusumaatmaja, Andreas Brech, Francesca Micci, Harald Stenmark and Coen Campsteijn
Link til abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32601372/
Article: Deep learning for prediction of colorectal cancer outcome: a discovery and validation study
Journal: The Lancet
Authors: Ole-Johan Skrede*, Sepp De Raedt*, Andreas Kleppe, Tarjei S Hveem, Knut Liestøl, John Maddison, Hanne A Askautrud, Manohar Pradhan, John Arne Nesheim, Fritz Albregtsen, Inger Nina Farstad, Enric Domingo, David N Church, Arild Nesbakken, Neil A Shepherd, Ian Tomlinson, Rachel Kerr, Marco Novelli, David J Kerr, Håvard E Danielsen
Link to abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32007170/
Article: Peripheral host T cells survive hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and promote graft-versus-host disease
Journal: The Journal of Clinical Investigation
Authors: Sherrie J. Divito, Anders T. Aasebø, Tiago R. Matos, Pei-Chen Hsieh, Matthew Collin, Christopher P. Elco, John T. O’Malley, Espen S. Bækkevold, Henrik Reims, Tobias Gedde-Dahl, Michael Hagerstrom, Jude Hilaire, John W. Lian, Edgar L. Milford, Geraldine S. Pinkus, Vincent T. Ho, Robert J. Soiffer, Haesook T. Kim, Martin C. Mihm, Jerome Ritz, Indira Guleria, Corey S. Cutler, Rachael A. Clark, Frode L. Jahnsen, and Thomas S. Kupperź
Link to abstract: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32516138/
News article in Norwegian from oslo-universitetssykehus.no, including summaries of the findings in popular science form, and the statements from the committee on each article:
Fremragende forskningsartikler første halvår 2020