Application deadline - April 29th 2022 New call from National program for clinical therapy research in the specialist health service

The Norwegian regional health authorities jointly announces a call for applications for funding of clinical multicentre studies with the aim of improving existing treatment procedures and/or developing or evaluating new regimens.
The total budget available for 2022 is approximately 100 mill. NOK
In a meeting on 2 February 2022, KLINBEFORSK's program board decided to set aside up to NOK 80 million for multicentre clinical studies in the following priority areas: mental health in children / adolescents (NOK 60 million) and late effects of COVID-19 (NOK 20 million).
Application deadline - 29. april 2022 4.00 PM
The national programme for clinical therapy research in the specialist health service, KLINBEFORSK, shall contribute towards giving Norwegian patients improved opportunities to participate in clinical trials and is set up as a contribution to implementation of the strategy plan HelseOmsorg21. The call is open to all clinical disciplines; however, it should focus on meeting needs and close knowledge gaps that are of the greatest importance to patient treatment.
All projects funded by KLINBEFORSK should include participation from clinical research groups in all four health regions, provide equal inclusion opportunities for all Norwegian patients and user involvement.
Application deadline - 29. april 2022 kl.16.00
Announcement from the KLINBEFORSK home page: (in Norwegian)