First study testing personalized medicine for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

A new study, involving researchers from UiO and OUS, will now test personalized medicine for IBD. This is a large Nordic collaboration and has received an allocation of NOK 30 million from Nordforsk.
- This is one of the first studies where we test personalized medicine in a randomized setting for IBD. That makes the study very interesting, says Professor Marte Lie Høivik.
She is a professor at UiO and senior consultant at the Department of Gastroenterology at OUS, and leads both institutions' contributions to the project.
Original news article from University of Oslo (in Norwegian):
Første studie som prøver ut persontilpasset medisin for IBD
Inflammatory bowel disease research group home page at OUh, led by Marte Lie Høivik
Department of Gastroenterology
Marte Lie Høivik, leader of the UiO and OUH contributions to the Nordtreat study