Long term collaboration celebrated: Joint meeting in precision medicine between Oslo and Porto scientists

At a two days meeting in Porto about “Precision cancer medicine and emerging opportunities” the former director of the Radium hospital, Jan Vincents Johannessen, received the distinction Ordem de Sant´lago da Espada (Commander-SE) from the President of Portugal.
The meeting celebrated the long term collaboration in diagnostics and research between the Norwegian Radium hospital and IPATIMUP- i3S (Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto) and IPO (Portuguese Institute of Oncology - Porto), which was initiated by the young pathologists Jan Vincents Johannessen and Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes, who both became top leaders.
The scientific program was organized by Professors Ragnhild A. Lothe, Leonor David and Manuel R Teixeira from these institutions, respectively.
Key note speaker Elisabete Weiderpass, Director of IARC-WHO, gave an overview of the potential of Cancer Prevention in the world.
Several speakers from both countries demonstrated the strong bond between the Institutions and the strong potential in the continued collaboration in research and recently also for clinical trials under PRIME-ROSE, led by Professor Kjetil Taskén.
The distinction Ordem de Sant´lago da Espada was in previous times a military order but is in modern times Portugal’s Orders of Merit which can be conferred to Portuguese and foreigners for outstanding services to science, literature or art.