Genome Biology Group

The research group is dedicated to advancing cancer diagnosis and treatment through innovative genome technologies. The research is primarily concentrated on prostate cancer, with extended investigations into ovarian, testicular, and colorectal cancers. We adopt an integrated approach that combines computational biology with sophisticated wet-lab techniques to analyse cancer genomes and transcriptomes. Recognizing the pivotal role of gene and variant expression in mutation analyses, the team has developed a particular expertise in RNA-level analyses. Meaningful translational and genome-scale cancer research demands interdisciplinary synergy, and the group members draw upon their diverse academic backgrounds in biology, informatics, and medicine.
The research group includes a project group in Cancer informatics, led by Dr. Bjarne Johannessen.
Prostate cancer
Ovarian cancer
Testicular germ cell tumour
Colorectal cancer
Interfocal heterogeneity of prostate cancer: Investigating the spatial variability within prostate cancer to inform precision cancer management strategies.
ProClass: Development of a prostate cancer molecular classifier, part of the SPARK Norway innovation initiative.
Cancer genomics: A collaborative cross-group research project dedicated to exploring the genetic underpinnings of cancer.
Structural DNA and RNA variation: Identification of fusion genes and other genetic alterations as potential biomarkers for cancer detection and monitoring.
Resources for patients
For more information regarding our prostate cancer research, please refer to our dedicated Prostate cancer research project page (Norwegian).
Contact information:
Department of molecular oncology, Institute for cancer research
Oslo university hospital-Radiumhospitalet
P.O.Box 4953 Nydalen, NO-0424 Oslo, Norway
Phone: +47 2278 1727 / +47 2293 4000